Monday, April 28, 2008

Master Data Management at DIG

Last week I mentioned that Dan Power from Hub Solution Design will be speaking at DIG 2008 on the topic of master data management. Dan has over 20 years of experience in enterprise technology and is a frequent contributor on the topic of MDM in industry magazines such as DM Review. Dan recently added a post to his blog on speaking at DIG and the importance of master data management in the context of data governance, business intelligence and performance management platforms. I cannot agree more. Every reporting, dashboard and planning application is not only dependent on getting quality data like sales, but are also equally dependent on having common “hierarchies” of the business. Hierarchies may be a standard chart of accounts, products or organizational structure. Without a common way to consolidate these hierarchies, those sales numbers may not be right! Master data management and data governance practices start to address these common issues. We are looking forward to hear Dan’s perspective on master data management and its linkages to business intelligence and analytics.

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